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Increasing awareness for the concious consumer.
Greenwash image
Verified is the new sustainable
In a tidal wave of green business, today’s educated consumer can deliver massive impact by supporting the right companies. In the book, “Good Is the New Cool: Market Like You Give a Damn”, Afdhel Aziz and Bobby Jones show why corporations that are mission-driven, and guided by purpose, are often times the most dominant in… Read More »Verified is the new sustainable
Air Emissions and Pollutants – Northshore Mining Company
The Down and Dirty: Understanding the daily impacts of Climate Change
Greenhouse gas and our environment According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “the buildup of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases like methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) is causing the Earth’s atmosphere to warm, resulting in changes to the climate we are already starting to see today”. Some perspective… Ken Caldeira, an… Read More »The Down and Dirty: Understanding the daily impacts of Climate Change
Ice cream melt
Jamaican Rum: A tastier way to scaling climate action
Climate change is the challenge of our century. Despite monumental impacts of a warming planet, these issues have yet to fully materialize in our everyday lives. Understanding this existential crisis through the lens of daily life, and normalizing manageable action, is key to scaled solutions. HBO’s “Veep”, follows Julia Louis-Dreyfus (better known as Elaine, from… Read More »Jamaican Rum: A tastier way to scaling climate action


Empower the consumer to be apart of climate action at scale.

Your wallet. Your Vote.

Increase the understanding of where our money goes and how it's used.


Illustrate the human issues surrounding the climate crisis and it's effects to our health, our wallets, and passions


Identify conscious consumer solutions that can enable positive action on a daily basis


Conscious consumer
+ Sustainable Business

Climate Solutions at Scale


New path. New Normal.

We prefer to be on skis  -but more often than not-  we’re 9-5ers, commuters, grocery shoppers, and #netflixnchillers. Regardless of our individual passions and routines… we’re all tied together as consumers of some type, and we all have a vote.

We believe that global warming is a shared human problem that is here and now. It does not acknowledge political parties or nationality and it needed to be addressed yesterday.

Sadly, it’s affecting our health, wallets, and passions on a daily basis. Even so, these existential issues surrounding climate can seem daunting, distant, technical and amorphous.

But linked as consumers, we believe there’s a shared path towards building a new and better normal towards change. 

To be apart of this solution, The Mintly aims to increase awareness  -in a conversational tone-  and identify opportunities that enable consumers to participate in climate action at scale.

We look forward to taking part in conversations that start at the dinner table, make their way to the board rooms and eventually to our legislative branches. 

To learn more about making an impact follow along on Twitter @TheMintly and at

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